15 Week Club
Week 5 Winners

John Byrne $300.00
Kimberly Vadino $100.00
David Hand $100.00
Huong Pham $50.00
Rosemary Parkinson $50.00
Marianne Vanore $50.00
Maureen Murphy $50.00
Dan Mc Ginn $50.00


Our next virtual rosary will be Thursday, February 27th at 7:00 PM. Any intentions list them here.
Here is the zoom invite:
Armand is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Virtual Rosary
Time: Feb 27, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 2813 2166
Passcode: 291822

Important Notice For All School And Church Volunteers

All volunteers of our IHM School and Church must meet all Safe Environment requirements mandated by the State of  Pennsylvania and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.  This includes all school volunteers and parish volunteers i.e. Lectors, EM, Choir Members, etc.

A list of all requirements are on the school website located at www.iheartmary.org. Go to Resources then to Volunteer and all the links are posted there.  These clearances are FREE for volunteers.

These requirements are MANDATORY and there will be no exceptions.  These MUST be completed or you may not volunteer  in our school for any trips, dances or in house activities or any parish ministries.

Go to virtusonline.org then first time registrant then to list of  sessions to find one that is convenient for  you to attend.  There are classes available also through zoom.

For more information call Denise Schmidt in the Rectory Office 215-483-1000. Monday – Friday between the hours of  10 am to 2 pm or email denise-schmidt@comcast.net.

Please note:  All clearances are free for volunteers.  The State of PA requires that these be updated every 5 years.  The  requirements  of the Archdiocese only needs to be completed once.